Sunday, February 24, 2008

The New Marriage wrecker (or not so new)

The Pope say's to fast not only from food and drink but from Images

From Zenit comes this report from Fr John Flynn

"According to the article, psychologists and counselors say Internet pornography is a growing cause of marital problems due to increasing numbers of men who become compulsive users."

Can't really say that this is news, however I believe that it does and will continue to only get worse. I'm often shocked at just how mainstream pornography has become at times. With new technology like camera phones ect.. I have had people I know forward me pornographic image s through a cell phone during the day. It's shocking how someone could figure that this is acceptable behavior. Whats worse is your phone tells you that you have a pix and you do not have any idea what it is until you open it. Lets just say I'm in a constant need of updating my friends.

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